When it’s hot outside and the kids are bored, let them make some fun drinks that will help them chill down a bit. The best part about these drinks is you can create a multitude of different color combinations to match any holiday.
Here is what we made for a Memorial Day BBQ, but it would work just as well for the 4th of July. You can make drinks that are green, red and white for Christmas, or maybe some pastel colors for an Easter celebration. In fact, you don’t even need a holiday to enjoy these quick and easy drinks. Parents, you’ll love these because there is no mess involved and the kids can do it on their own in a matter of minutes.

These fun multi-layered drinks use prepared beverages that are varying degrees of sugar. Here we are using cranberry juice, Gatorade and diet 7-up. Look at the nutrition labels and you will be able to determine which beverages have the most sugar content. The more sugar, the heavier it is, so for this drink we put the cranberry juice on the bottom, then layered the Gatorade and 7-up gently on top.
Start with a glass of ice, pour the first beverage in, then very carefully add the next beverage. We pour the drink onto the back of a spoon so that it gently lies on top of the previous layer. The spoon helps to ensure that you don’t splash and break the layers as you stack another beverage.
Try layering two or three different colors and serve with a straw.

Have fun and get creative. You can try any number of great combinations!