How to Make Hard Boiled Eggs
There are a lot of recipes and suggestions on how to hard boil eggs, but the simplest and best results are achieved by not actually boiling them at all. This simple method results in perfectly cooked eggs that have a solid yellow yolk, with no gray or greenish tint. Overcooked eggs become rubbery, but a perfectly cooked hard boiled egg is tender and delicious without any discoloration of the yolk.
- Gently place eggs in a large saucepan. Add cold water to cover eggs by at least one inch.
- Heat on medium-high just until the water comes to a boil; cover and remove pan from burner.
Medium eggs – 12 minutes
Large eggs – 17 minutes
Extra Large eggs – 19 minutes
- When eggs are done, pour off hot water and add cold water to cool the eggs and stop them from cooking with the residual heat. I usually add ice cubes to help the eggs cool down faster. You will probably need to drain off the water a couple of times and add more cold water until the eggs are no longer hot.

- Serve the eggs immediately, or refrigerate for later use. These hard boiled eggs are great for making deviled eggs.
*The fresher the eggs, the harder they are to peel. If possible, buy your eggs a week to 10 days before you plan to hard boil them.
*Once the eggs have been hard boiled, you can safely keep them for up to 7 days in the refrigerator; however, eggs that have been peeled should be eaten the same day.
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