Empty Tomb Rolls
Empty tomb rolls or Resurrection rolls as they are often called are a delicious and memborable way to teach children about the resurrection of Christ. And as an added bonus, they’re delicious as well! These rolls are the perfect way to begin Easter morning.

2 packages of crescent roll dough
8 marshmallows
3 T butter, melted
1 tsp cinnamon
4 T sugar
1 c. powdered sugar
1 T softened butter
2 – 3 T milk
1/4 tsp vanilla
Melt butter in small bowl and set aside. Combine cinnamon and sugar in another bowl, mix well and set aside.
Open crescent roll tubes and unroll the dough. Separate one triangle of dough and place flat in front of you.
Show the marshmallow and explain to the children that the color white represents purity we have in God’s eyes when Jesus has washed away our sins. Read Isaiah 1:18 and John 3:1-3.
Take a marshmallow and dip in melted butter, then roll in cinnamon/sugar mixture. Place the coated marshmallow at the wide end of the triangle of dough and gently roll up; work dough around marshmallow and pinch edges to seal well. Take a second triangle of dough and place the covered marshmallow at the wide end and again roll up and pinch to seal. You will have covered the marshmallow with two triangles of dough and it should be well sealed.
As you are coating and wrapping the marshmallow explain that the marshmallow represents the body of Jesus which was annointed with oil (butter) and spices (cinnamon/sugar) before being wrapped in cloth (dough) and placed in the tomb. Explain that the tomb was them sealed tightly (pinching the dough thoroughly to seal). Read Matthew 27:57-60.
Place on a lightly greased baking sheet or silpat. Repeat until all of the marshmallows have been covered.
Bake at 375° F for 14 to 18 minutes or until golden brown.
Let cool slightly and drizzle with icing.
When you are ready to serve the rolls, give each person one and explain how the tomb was empty and Jesus had risen from the dead. Let everyone experience the empty tomb when they break open their Empty Tomb or Resurrection Roll.
Read Matthew 28:1-9.