February 14, 2015 (Saturday)

Happy Valentine’s Day! I hope you all had a wonderfully relaxing day and you were able to spend some quality time with the ones you love. Family and friends are an important part of who we are and while I don’t necessarily agree with the hype that seems to pressure so many people into overspending in an effort to show their love, I do think it’s a wonderful time to let those around us know how much they mean to us.
Strawberries are finally in season, so this morning I made a quick trip out to the corner produce stand and picked up a half flat of strawberries. My entire family loves strawberries, so I knew they’d be a welcome addition to our Valentine’s Day breakfast. We made delicious crepes stuffed with strawberries and whipped cream as well as our favorite roasted breakfast potatoes. Absolutely delicious!
The picture I added at the top of this post was taken by my youngest daughter. It’s the plate I gave her this morning for breakfast. I think she did a marvelous job and she’s becoming quite an accomplished photographer. I’ve been telling my kids since I started this cooking site that I needed one of them to take up photography for me. Maybe I’ve finally got one moving in that direction!
For dinner we had lasagna; always a hit in my house! We spent some time playing Pictionary and Pandemic, then relaxed with a movie. All in all, it was a wonderful day with my kids.
Here’s a link to my crepe recipe. If you’ve never made crepes before, don’t worry – they’re very easy! If you can make pancakes, you can make crepes. Of course, crepes are extremely versatile and you can fill them with just about anything you like, both sweet and savory. I have a wonderful manicotti recipe that uses crepes in place of store-bought pasta, I’m going to have to try and get that recipe posted sometime in the near future.